On April 16, 2020 Governor Tony Evers issued a press release extending the Safer-at-Home order from April to 24, 2020 to May 26, 2020.
Some businesses will be allowed to open again:
- Public libraries: Public libraries may now provide curb-side pick-up of books and other library materials.
- Golf Courses: Golf courses may open again, with restrictions including scheduling and paying for tee times online or by phone only. Clubhouses and pro shops must remain closed. However the Somers youth golf program will be suspended until the order is lifted and parents will be notified.
- Non-essential Businesses: Non-essential businesses will now be able to do more things as Minimum Basic Operations, including deliveries, mailings, and curb-side pick-up. Non-essential businesses must notify workers of whether they are necessary for the Minimum Basic Operations.
- Arts and Crafts Stores: Arts and craft stores may offer expanded curb-side pick-up of materials necessary to make face masks or other personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Aesthetic or Optional Exterior Work: Aesthetic or optional exterior law care or construction is now allowed under the extended order, so long as it can be done by one person.
Everyone is expected to use safe business practices as necessary to help curb the spread of the virus.
Other changes include:
- Schools: Public and private K-12 schools will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.
- Local parks and open space: Local health officials may close public parks and open spaces if it becomes too difficult to ensure social distancing or the areas are being mistreated.
- Travel: People are strongly encourage to stay close to home, not travel to second homes or cabins, and not to travel out-of-state if it is not necessary.
For more updates about the COVID-19 outbreak, check out this link.