The Village and Town of Somers is participating in the 2019 Wisconsin DNR Urban Forestry Grant.
Village of Somers employees have been rescuing trees that would have been torn down from road construction. Some were planted this spring in Veterans Memorial Park for all to enjoy. Other work includes the removal of trees that are a public safety hazard and dead ash trees. New trees will be planted to replace them as soon as weather allows, according to Somers Public Works Superintendent Jerry Smith.
“We will be purchasing new trees before the end of the year,” he said.
Somers is also conducting a tree inventory to identify trees in the public domain and conduct regular trimming and pruning and identify trees that would endanger residents. The Wisconsin DNR tree inventory is available in the link below.
“It is an organized approach to maintain the forestry of the Village of Somers, which we never had in the past,” said Smith. “The program enhances the urban forest canopy, which provides better air quality for everyone.”
For more information about ordering trees or taking care of your trees check out the documents below.