The Kenosha County Public Works Department has scheduled a public hearing for the County S (38th Street) Phase 1 project between County H and Brumback Boulevard. Information regarding the County S (Burlington Road/38th Street) Phase 2 project, between the Interstate 94 east frontage road (120th Avenue) and County H, will also be provided at the public hearing.
Public Hearing
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Kenosha County Center
19600 75th Avenue
Bristol, Wisconsin
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Kenosha County Center
19600 75th Avenue
Bristol, Wisconsin
4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. review displays, hearing, materials, ask questions, provide testimony
5:30 p.m. traditional-style portion of public meeting begins with informational project presentation
Official Notice of Public Hearing
Environmental Evaluation of Facilities Development Actions, 443 page document, Wisconsin Department of Transportation