On May 1, 2018, in a standing room only auditorium in the Village/Town Hall of Somers, over 130 people came to listen and ask questions about the future plans for their neighborhood in the I-94 Corridor. Jeff Muenkel, Project Manager of Foth Infrastructure and Environment, LLD of West Allis introduced the proposed land use study highlights and distributed maps of the current 2035 land use plan and the proposed 2050 land use plan. Following the presentation, residents asked questions and offered their opinions. Residents who were not able to attend the meeting, may view last evening’s presentation here.
Comprehensive Land Use Amendments & Study
Beginning in January 2018, the Village of Somers began working with a planning firm, Foth Infrastructure and Environment, LLD of West Allis, Wisconsin, to have a fresh look at the planned land uses along Interstate 94. The current Kenosha County Multi-Jurisdictional Land Use Plan:2035 is currently in place. However, a variety of new planning efforts (boundary agreement, sewer service areas), market trends, infrastructure projects, and development projects have been taking place recently. Given this, a land use study that outlines possible new future land uses for the Village’s Comprehensive Plan has been authored. Village of Somers 31-page DRAFT Land Use Study document.
Upcoming Meetings
June 11, 2018 Public Hearing before the Plan Commission
June 12, 2018 Adoption by the Village Board
During the course of this study residents can provide comments to the Village of Somers Trustees here or to the Land use Study Manager at Foth, [email protected].