One of the significant road projects associated with the new Foxconn development in Racine County will likely be Highway KR (Kenosha Racine County Line Road) which borders the Village of Somers and the Village of Mt. Pleasant.  Currently two lanes, the Highway KR design shows four new eastbound and five new westbound lanes with a proposed pedestrian and bike “shared-use” path on both sides. Additionally, stop and go lights will be added at the intersection of Highways KR and H with added lanes on Highway H in the Village of Somers.

 Maps, displays, and representatives from the Wisconsin DOT were available to introduce the project to the public, listen to concerns, and answer questions. The maps indicate that intersections at Highways KR, E, and 11 will be redesigned, frontage roads will be rebuilt, and I-94 lanes will be expanded. Highway H, Sylvania Avenue, and Braun Road will also be impacted.

Four more public outreach sessions are scheduled between 2018 and 2020. 


Detailed Maps and Project Overview

We encourage residents of Somers to learn more and stay current with the road development surrounding the new Foxconn campus by visiting

Hundreds of people attended the public involvement meeting open house hosted by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation on December 14, 2017 at the Mt. Pleasant Village Hall in Racine County.

Officials review maps and note comments from the public.
Public Involvement Meeting December 14, 2017 at Mt. Pleasant Village Hall
(Photo courtesy of Jacqueline Klapproth Nelson)

Many residents attended the public open house to view maps and determine what changes would occur in their neighborhood.
(Photo courtesy of Jacqueline Klapproth Nelson)