The Somers Village and Town Boards approved an amount not to exceed $2,750 to seek assistance from Firehouse Grants to prepare and submit a complete grant application to FEMA-AFG (Federal Emergency Management Agency – Assistance to Firefighters Grant) for turnout gear for the Somers Fire & Rescue Department. Funds are available in the 2015 budget to pay for the $2,700.00 grant writing fee.
The NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) standard for turnout gear was developed to reduce safety risks and potential hazards. The 2008 edition and the proposed 2013 edition of NFPA 1851 requires that fire departments remove any turn out gear from service that has a manufacture date more than ten years old. Turn out gear refers to helmets, hoods, gloves, coats, pants, and boots.
The Department is requesting 40 full sets of turnout gear at an estimated cost of $3,000 per full set, or a total of $120,000.00. The proposed grant must be submitted by October, 2015 to be award 2016 funding. The grant will seek a 95% federal grant with a 5% match from Somers. If awarded the $111,250 grant, Somers 5% match of $6,000 would be paid from Somers 2016 budget. By obtaining the grant, the Department will then be able to establish a gear replacement program to avoid future large replacement costs.